Income Tax Department
Tax Information for Amherst City Residents
480 Park Avenue, Upper Level
Amherst, Ohio 44001
ph (440) 988-4212
fax (440) 988-3749
Regular Office Hours
8:00 am to 4:00 pm - Monday thru Friday (closed on gov’t holidays)
Income Tax Filing Options for Tax Year 2024 (due April 15, 2025)
There are several different options to file your city taxes:
- EFILE – this option allows you to completely electronically file your taxes and upload documents to support your calculations. Follow this link to start the electronic filing process.
- Drop Slot – located at the face of our building. You may utilize this secure box for any communications regarding your taxes including payments, completed returns, requests or documents drop off, etc.
- Mail or office drop off in office
The QR code on the left side of our postcard is not working. We apologize for this inconvenience.
Tax Information for Amherst City Residents
The city of Amherst, Ohio has MANDATORY income tax filing for any person 18 years of age or older. The tax rate, in effect since 1991, is 1.5% with a 1% credit given for taxes paid to other cities. City of Amherst income tax forms must be postmarked by April 15th (or the Federal due date).
In January, postcards are mailed to every Amherst resident whose account is active. The tax forms can be obtained in the tax office any time during business hours. Forms can also be obtained from the Income Tax page.
Upon request, our office will calculate your individual Amherst city tax forms for you free of charge.
Estimated payments are accepted but are not mandatory. They can be set up at the time of filing or at any time by informing the tax office.
The City of Amherst will honor Federal extensions. Failure to attach the Federal extension to your city tax return will result in a late filing penalty of $25.00 beginning in tax year 2023. Failure to timely pay the tax due will result in a 15% late paying penalty. If you wish to request an extension but have not filed one federally, you must submit the request in writing to our office before the original due date of the tax return. Interest will accrue on any tax due unless estimated payments were made and paid in full by the due date of the tax return.
New Residents: You will need to file a city tax return based on the number of months you were an Amherst resident. Our calculations are based on whole month or half month. Only include the W-2’s of wages earned while a resident of Amherst.
Retirees: As of January 1, 2016, the State of Ohio has mandated that all persons over the age of 18 are required to file a municipal income tax return regardless of income or liability. An Exemption Certificate can be filed in place of an income tax return if there is no earned income to report. The Exemption Certificate can be found on the reverse side of the postcard mailed in January. A copy is also available on the Income Tax page. Please keep in mind that W2 earnings, business income or loss, rental income or loss, and gambling and/or lottery winnings are taxable income even if you are receiving social security or pension benefits.
College Students: If your parents or legal guardians reside in Amherst and they claim you as a dependent on their federal income tax forms, your residence is also considered in the city of Amherst and you must file a tax form if you have any earned income.
Under 18: If you were employed in the city of Amherst and your employer withheld Amherst taxes, please send us your W-2 statement along with a copy of your birth certificate or driver’s license. A refund will be issued to you.
Moving out of Amherst? Please notify the tax office as soon as possible so that a tax form can be mailed to your new address. You will need to file for the portion of the year that you were a resident here and finalize your account.
Please feel free to call our office. We will be glad to answer any questions you may have.