Income Tax Department
Non-Resident Business and Contractor Forms
480 Park Avenue, Upper Level
Amherst, Ohio 44001
ph (440) 988-4212
fax (440) 988-3749
Regular Office Hours
8:00 am to 4:00 pm - Monday thru Friday (closed on gov’t holidays)
Income Tax Filing Options for Tax Year 2024 (due April 15, 2025)
There are several different options to file your city taxes:
- EFILE – this option allows you to completely electronically file your taxes and upload documents to support your calculations. Follow this link to start the electronic filing process.
- Drop Slot – located at the face of our building. You may utilize this secure box for any communications regarding your taxes including payments, completed returns, requests or documents drop off, etc.
- Mail or office drop off in office
The QR code on the left side of our postcard is not working. We apologize for this inconvenience.
Business Registration
(For businesses that have an address in the City limits only)
Resident Business Registration
Non-Resident Business / Contractor Registration
The Business Registration and Withholding Status Questionnaire should be completed and returned to the City of Amherst Income Tax Department within 30 days of a business opening or changing ownership. This information will enable the tax office to send the proper forms to your business for filing a net profit return and, if applicable, employee withholding tax.
Tax Information for Amherst City Businesses
This page includes information about the City of Amherst net profit and employee payroll withholding tax. Please feel free to call the tax office with any questions you may have.
The city of Amherst, Ohio has mandatory income tax filing for all resident businesses. The tax rate, in effect since 1991, is 1½%. City of Amherst income tax forms must be postmarked by the IRS due date (usually April 15th) or on or before the 15th day of the fourth month after the close of the fiscal year.
A written extension request must be received in our office by the original due date of the return. If a federal extension was submitted to the IRS, a copy should be sent to our office before the original due date of the return to avoid late filing notices. The extended due date of the City of Amherst return is one month after the federal individual due date.
An extension is only an extension of the filing due date. Payment must be made by the original due date of the return or a late paying penalty and interest will be charged on any outstanding balances. If the extension request is not received by the original due date or the federal extension is not attached to the return when filing, a $25.00 per month (maximum $150.00) late fee will be charged.
You may e-mail, fax, or mail your request to our office. We do not accept extension requests over the phone. Our
E-mail address is Our fax number is (440) 988-3749.
Estimated payments on net profit returns are accepted, but are not mandatory. They can be set up at the time of filing or at any time by informing the tax office.
In January, postcards are mailed to every Amherst business that is on file with our office. While every effort is made to contact all taxpayers required to file, it is the taxpayer’s responsibility to obtain a form. Tax forms may be obtained in the tax office any time during business hours, on the Internet at The City of Amherst will accept generic forms.