Office on Aging

Office on Aging
671 Franklin Avenue
Amherst, OH 44001
(440) 988-2817
9:00 am to 3:00 pm – Mon thru Fri (closed on gov’t holidays)
The Amherst Office on Aging supports and evaluates policies that affect the quality of life of older adults. The goal is to help seniors live as independently as possible and enrich their lives to the best of our ability.
Home Delivered Meals
Home-delivered meals are provided Monday through Friday except holidays and are delivered by our amazing volunteers. Meals are prepared by Flinger’s Market before noon each day. You have the choice of what meals you would like to order. The cost of these meals is $5.50 a meal per day.
Transportation is provided to take seniors to doctors’ appointments, drug stores for prescriptions, county-wide agencies for required appointments, as well as for shopping and other essential local travel needs. Those passengers requesting transit to a site within a designated radius of Amherst City limits will be charged the rate of $10.00 round trip. The staff also shops for groceries and will run errands for clients; these trips will be charged at $15.00 per trip. Prescription pick-up and delivery in Amherst only is $8.00. Please contact us for additional pricing.
Information and Referral Services
Information and Referral Services are available to help clients as well as their families to find services or other assistance. When we can’t assist you, we will point you in the right direction to find the resources.