Building Department
Pool and Hot Tub Guidelines
480 Park Avenue, Upper Level
Amherst, Ohio 44001
ph (440) 988-3734
fax (440) 988-3764
8:00 am to 4:00 pm - Monday thru Friday (closed on gov’t hoildays)
Pool and Hot Tub Guidelines Guidelines
A permit is required to install a swimming pool (In-ground or above ground) or hot tub.
The edge of any pool or hot tube sidewalls, bordering walkway or deck shall be a minimum of five (5) feet from any side or rear lot line. Pools and hot tubs are not permitted in the front yard. A corner lot is considered to have two (2) front yard areas.
All pools and hot tubs require a perimeter barrier to be installed a minimum of 48 inches high as measured from the generally established grade level. House, garage or accessory structure walls may be considered a component of the perimeter barrier. Sidewalls of any above ground pool or hot tub may serve as the perimeter barrier provided they are a minimum of 48 inches high as measured from the generally established grade level. A perimeter barrier, either permanent or temporary, must be in place when a pool or hot tub contains 18 inches of water or more.
Any gate allowing access to an in-ground pool area must be self-latching and be inaccessible for small children to enter the area. Above ground pool ladders shall include a barrier or gate prohibiting access to small children.
A grade plan is required for all in-ground and above ground pools not installed on grade. The grading plan shall include a minimum of four (4) existing grade shots around the proposed pool location and two (2) along each property line using the main structures top of foundation as the benchmark. Upon project completion, the same grade locations will be verified on site to ensure they are within tolerances as to not cause drainage issue to neighboring properties.
Pools and hot tubs are not permitted to be installed in an easement or flood plain zone.
All pools, hot tubs and their components shall be installed in accordance to all applicable building codes and manufacturers’ installation instructions.
Permit approval does not release the homeowner of responsibility if pools or hot tubs are installed within an easement or flood plain nor does permit approval supersede any deed restrictions or void prior conditions rendered by the Board of Zoning Appeals.
Permits are valid for twelve (12) months from the date of issue.
All contractors and subcontractors are required to be licensed with the City of Amherst Building Department.