Building Department
Accessory Structure Guidelines
480 Park Avenue, Upper Level
Amherst, Ohio 44001
ph (440) 988-3734
fax (440) 988-3764
8:00 am to 4:00 pm - Monday thru Friday (closed on gov’t hoildays)
Accessory Structure Guidlines
A permit is required to build, install or renovate any accessory structure including, but not limited to, sheds, gazebos, pergolas and greenhouses.
Accessory structures are to be located a minimum of five (5) feet from side and rear property lines and are not permitted in the front yard. A corner lot is considered to have two (2) front yard areas. Side and rear yard setback requirements may be reduced by 50% ONLY if your house is more than five (5) years old and you provide written authorization from the abutting neighbors.
A maximum of three (3) accessory structures are permitted in residential districts per the following size restrictions:
1st – 576 Sqft. Maximum area
2nd -168 Sqft. Maximum area
3rd – 64 Sqft. Maximum area
Maximum height of any accessory structure shall not exceed sixteen (16) feet as measured from the generally established grade to the tip of the roof ridge.
Permit approval does NOT release the homeowner of responsibility if an accessory structure is constructed within an easement or flood plain nor does permit approval supersede any deed restrictions or void prior conditions rendered by the Board of Zoning Appeals.
Grading of the area around any accessory structure shall not cause any adverse conditions to adjacent properties.
All accessory structures are to be constructed and/or installed in accordance with all applicable building codes and manufacturers’ installation instructions.
Permits are valid for twelve (12) months from the date of issue.
All contractors and subcontractors are required to be licensed with the City of Amherst Building Department.